The train is a mode of transport and a cargo vehicle used throughout Mexico. 30 out of the 32 states in the country have railway infrastructure, and due to the long distances that a locomotive can travel, having good railway logistics is essential for any project in this sector. It’s not only about achieving profits and good results; the proper functioning of the railway is also vital to avoid accidents and losses. Ensuring proper railway logistics at this time is crucial for the national economy. It’s worth remembering that after the global challenges posed by the pandemic, railway networks and companies were able to keep operating, sparking a resurgence of the train as an effective tool compared to other means like maritime or air transport.

But what are the benefits of properly constructing railway tracks? In addition to helping the industry continue to grow, here are the advantages you’ll gain if you invest in excellent railway logistics.

Relatively Simple Planning

It’s important to note that while railway logistics require studies and organization around everything involved in freight transport (routes to be taken, costs, types of materials, etc.), it is simpler compared to other options like road planning. In Mexico, roadways are very extensive, whereas railways are fewer than routes for regular road transport. With more limited options ─but ones that still deliver goods where they need to go, and even faster─ it becomes easy to lean towards using the train.

Many Cars, Lots of Cargo

Few modes of transport can carry so much cargo so easily. A ship may be able to match it, but again, maritime logistics are much more complex. Through the construction of railways, large amounts of goods can be transported across great distances in a single trip. Today’s rail lines can have up to 100 cars. Can you imagine how many trucks it would take to move all the products that fit in those large spaces, traveling together as one unit?

Cost and Time Reduction

This is the favorite advantage for major business owners and companies: drastically reducing costs for various reasons. For example, the train doesn’t pay road tolls, and its fuel is cheaper. Railway infrastructure also requires only one train driver, much less staff than an entire team of drivers for a fleet of trucks.

On the other hand, the time it takes for a train to travel is optimal and it rarely faces delays. A well-planned railway construction avoids traffic and the unforeseen circumstances that are so common for other modes of transport.

Lastly, but just as important, it’s always good to remember that increasing railway construction is ideal for the environmental situation we are facing. On average, trains emit up to nine times less CO2 compared to heavy-duty trucks.


Planning is essential in any type of transport. Good railway logistics are crucial for maintaining quality in the production chain and, above all, for ensuring that investments in the sector continue to flow. Thanks to these efforts, the business world has recognized that the railway is the perfect option for moving goods.

Are you interested in receiving information and services for engineering, supervision, consulting, and training? At Track Speq, we are here to help you achieve the best railway logistics for your business. Contact us!
