


Design and construction of yard expansion to increase the capacity for receiving and dispatching railroads and reduce delays.


Design, engineering, construction of roads, civil works and earthworks, and drainage system.

Design and Construction

Design and construction of receiving and dispatching tracks to optimize receiving and dispatching operations, thereby reducing delays. The project included earthworks, drainage, reconfiguration of existing tracks and construction of new railroad tracks. Railway materials used included 7x8x8 pine sleepers with classic fastening, 14” bedplate, spike and anchor, and AREMA 4th cast slag ballast.

In addition, reinforced concrete with 115RE grouted tracks were used for the car loading and unloading areas. Construction was carried out on tracks in operation, coordinating with the plant to minimize as much as possible any impact on operations.

Photo Gallery

Category :


Client :

700 m

Date :

August 27, 2024